Thursday, April 26, 2007


Amenorrhea is a the second factor in the Female Athlete Triad:

Amenorrhea by definition means: the absence of a female menstrual cycle. There are two types of amenorrhea, primary and secondary. Primary amenorrhea is the absence of menses by age 16. Secondary amenorrhea is the absence of 3-12 consecutive periods. Athletes who engage in intense physical training such as gymnast and endurance runners often experience secondary amenorrhea. Amenorrhea can lead to osteoporosis, infertility, and possibly cardiovascular disease. Some treatment options include: a reduction in training, estrogen supplements, and simply being educated on the condition.
Due to the fact that a girl with female athlete triad is exercising intensely and not eating enough calories, when her weight falls too low, she may experience decreases in estrogen, the hormone that helps to regulate the menstrual cycle. As a result, a girl's periods may become irregular or stop altogether. Though it is normal for teen girls to occasionally miss periods, especially in their first year of having periods. A missed period does not automatically mean a girl has female athlete triad. A missed period could mean something else is going on, like pregnancy or a medical condition. Some girls who participate intensively in sports may never even get their first period because they've been training so hard. Other girls may have had periods, but once they increase their training and change their eating habits, their periods may stop.

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